Wayne (Coco) Wharton (QLD)
Candidate Statement: Wayne (Coco) Wharton – A Voice for Sovereignty and Justice
Prominent Indigenous activist WAYNE (Coco) Wharton has joined the campaign as an Indigenous Aboriginal Party of Australia (IAPA) candidate for the Queensland Senate at the upcoming Federal Election.
As a prominent Indigenous activist, Wharton has been a vocal proponent of land rights, cultural preservation, and reparations for the enduring impacts of colonisation, including the Stolen Generations and dispossession of traditional lands.
Wayne is stepping forward to represent the voices of First Nations people in the fight for justice, self-determination, and truth.
A key aspect of his vision is how restitution can directly empower Indigenous communities, closing the gap by providing resources and opportunities that address systemic disadvantages.
For too long, Indigenous communities have been trapped in cycles of poverty, with children denied the opportunities they deserve. While the wealthy can afford private solutions, young Indigenous people are left to struggle, rejected by systems that should support them. This is not just a failure of policy—it is a failure of humanity.
The organisations and bureaucrats who claim to represent Indigenous Australians have become part of the problem. They are complicit in maintaining a system that benefits the state and perpetuates inequality. Indigenous Australians are not a welfare problem—they are a sovereign people with inherent rights that must be recognised and respected.
By delivering restitution directly to Indigenous individuals and communities, it cuts out the middlemen—reducing bureaucratic inefficiencies and ensuring that funds and resources are used where they are needed most. This approach not only fosters self-determination but also enables communities to invest in education, healthcare, housing, and economic development on their own terms.
Wayne is working to establish embassies in Harlem and Dublin, taking the fight for justice to the international stage. He is building networks of resistance and solidarity across the country, demanding the truth: Australia has never made a citizenship agreement with Indigenous people, and it is time for the government to admit it.
Wayne’s demands are clear:
Sovereignty: Recognition of the inherent rights of Indigenous Australians as the First Peoples of this land.
Truth: An honest reckoning with the crimes committed against Indigenous communities.
Justice: A treaty dictated by Indigenous people, on their terms.
This is not just a campaign—it is a movement for justice, sovereignty, and self-determination. Join Wayne (Coco) Wharton in the fight for a better future.
Wayne (Coco) Wharton Candidate for Queensland, Indigenous Aboriginal Party of Australia (IAPA)